Below are the most important majors to study in South Korea, in addition to the requirements that have been mentioned in some majors and application deadlines.
Knowing that most majors in South Korea share some basic requirements such as application for enrollment, certificate of secondary education qualification (or equivalent), as well as proficiency in the English language (some universities require the Korean language).
Read the following article to learn how to apply for admission and enrollment in South Korean universities. You can also learn South Korea’s education system and language of instruction.
In addition to the basic requirement for studying and residency as a student in South Korea which is to obtain a study visa. Hence, we invite you to see how to obtain a visa in South Korea article.
Major of Electrical Engineering in Korea
- Ulsan University also offer this major.
- Moreover, submission requirements and deadlines are the same as the specialty of Mechanical Engineering.
Major of Business Administration in South Korea
Major of Business Administration in South Korea
Handong Global University is known for this subject. Basically, it offers a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with accreditation from the National Council of Mongolian Education as well as ACBSP Business Accreditation Council
Application requirements
- Application request.
- General education certificate.
- Certificates of qualifications obtained by the student.
- Fluency in English.
- Recommendation Letter.
- Personal letter.
Application dates
Basically, the application ends on March 31st of each year. On the other hand, the admission results will be announced on the first of July.
NOVA Nplccreditation from the National Council of Mongolian Education as well as ACBSP Business Accreditation Council.
Application requirements
Application request.
General education certificate.
Certificates of qualifications obtained by the student.
Fluency in English.
Recommendation Letter.
Personal letter.
Application dates
Basically, the application ends on March 31st of each year. On the other hand, the admission results will be announced on the first of July.
Environmental and Civil Engineering in South Korea
Kookmin University is offering this course. As a matter of fact, the major of environmental and civil engineering includes the fields of structural engineering, geotechnical, hydrological, environmental as well as transportation.
Moreover, this major is accredited by ABEEK (South Korean Engineering Education Accreditation Board).
Major of Information Technologie in South Korea
The Suny University in South Korea is offering this study course. Basically, the program focuses on methods of technological development to keep pace with the modern world. This course is preparing students to work in governmental, industrial as well as academic professions, such as Network Management and quality assurance.
Application requirements
The student must submit a certificate of specialization in one of the following fields: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Applied Sciences as well as Environmental Sciences.
Application dates
Application starts in March 2020.
Major of Medical Sciences in South Korea
The best diploma in the field of medical science in South Korea is Seoul National University. This university ranks 48th of medical universities in the world. Moreover, it ranks the first of entire South Korean universities.
Additionally, there is Pusan National University in South Korea, which ranks among the top 10 universities in South Korea and also ranks among the top 401-500 universities worldwide.